The University of Pisa announces the public selection for the assignment of n. 3 research activities grants (hereinafter referred as Research Grants) at the Department of Physics:

  1. “Virgo seismic attenuation systems control & commissioning”
  2. “Optimization of multimessenger CBC searches and parameter estimation strategies for VirgoLIGO, CTA and Fermi”
  3. “Innovative Control strategies for Virgo seismic attenuation systems”

Duration of each contract: 24 months
Gross annual salary of each contract: € 20.354,81
Admission requirements:
Master degree and a professional scientific CV relevant for the research activities. All qualifications shall be awarded by the application’s deadline.
Applications are to be submitted online only, using the following link: or shall be invalid.

It is necessary to have an email address to login and complete the application.

Please see the full documentation at the following link: