The Institute of Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics is looking for a tenure-track assistant professor in order to strengthen its research in Gravitational Wave Astrophysics.
Our department of Astrophysics is part of the Institute of Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP). It is a friendly and open department consisting of 13 faculty, ~10 postdocs and ~25 PhD students. Research activities are concentrated in the fields of supermassive and stellar-mass black holes including the Event Horizon Telescope, jets, compact binaries, optical and radio transients, gravitational-wave (GW) and radio astronomy, stellar and binary evolution, stellar clusters, Galactic structure and magnetic fields, cosmic-rays and astroparticle physics, and asteroseismology.

We are part of the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA), and have access to major (inter)national research facilities (ESO, ESA, LOFAR/WSRT, ING telescopes), as well as to major computer facilities, either via a local cluster or national supercomputing facilities. Within IMAPP, we have close collaborations with the department of high-energy physics and with the applied stochastic group. For more information, see

The GW group is part of the Virgo collaboration, is the PI institute of the BlackGEM-array of telescopes and leads the NL activities for the LISA mission. We collaborate closely with Nikhef and the University of Amsterdam. Our group has been very active in the recent discoveries of GW sources, being (leaders) on the writing teams of the GW150914 Astrophysical interpretation paper, the GW170817 Multi-messenger paper and the GW170608 GW paper.
We are looking for an assistant professor (“UD: university lecturer”) to strengthen the research in the area of GW Astrophysics, to consolidate our position in this field and where possible seek collaborations with other departments within IMAPP. We offer a stimulating environment to develop your career. In special cases, appointment at a more senior level can be considered.
You should have a PhD in physics or astronomy and previous experience in the area of GW Astrophysics. You are expected to actively participate in the teaching of the physics and astronomy curriculum and in the outreach and management activities.
The Faculty of Science is an equal opportunity employer, committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and as such strongly encourages applications from women and minorities. Priority will be given to female applicants in case of equal qualifications.

The position is part of the collective labour agreement (CAO) of the Dutch universities, with gross/month salaries of 3000-4300 Euro depending on experience. University positions in the Netherlands include good medical and social benefits (including maternity and paternity leave and child care) plus holiday and end-of-year bonuses. Radboud University stimulates a good work-life balance via several regulations. For more information on the benefits see
Application deadline: August 17, 2018
Please send your application, including a research statement and 3 reference letters to with “GW Astro search” as subject.

For further inquiries, please contact Prof. Gijs Nelemans,