A postdoc position at LAPP in the gamma-ray astronomy group is available:
Study of GRBs with H.E.S.S. & CTA and alert follow-up optimization with Virgo/LIGO

The link with all details for application is here:

This project focus on the study of extra-galactic transient sources with the current and future generation of gamma-ray telescopes. Beyond their interest as astrophysics sources, flaring active galaxy nuclei or gamma-ray burst are very promising probes for fundamental physics (Lorentz Invariance Violation, extragalactic background light…). The observation and study of GRBs is now of prime importance in the domain. The recent detection of 3 GRBs by H.E.S.S. and MAGIC opened a new window in VHE gamma-ray astronomy. Same applies for Virgo/LIGO whose detectors is now sending regular GW alerts from various kind of binary systems.

The first CTA large telescope will be operational beginning of 2020 and will bring additional detection capabilities in the VHE gamma-ray domain. The project consists in participating in the commissioning and early science of the first LST, in the first CTA alert follow-up, while contributing actively in the data analysis already collected by H.E.S.S..

The project aims to strengthen the collaboration in between the Virgo and Astro-gamma groups. It will consist in optimizing the treatment of alerts received from Virgo/LIGO and participate to the joint data interpretation in case of successful follow-up.