12th Cosmic Ray International Seminar
“The endless multiple voices fugue of the Universe”
Lloyd’s Baia Hotel – Vietri Sul Mare , Amalfi Coast (SA) - Italy,
June 8 - 12, 2020

We are pleased to announce that the registration to the 12th Cosmic Ray International
Seminar (CRIS 2020) is now open. CRIS 2020 will be held in Vietri Sul Mare –
Amalfi Coast (Italy), 8 th - 12 th June 2020.
The meeting will focus fundamental topics in astroparticle physics with specific
emphasis on the new-born multi-messenger astronomy studies.
CRIS 2020, following the experience of previous editions, aims to present overviews
of existing data and reports from the present and future experiments. Talks will cover
both theoretical/phenomenological and experimental/observational aspects, in order
to give an exhaustive overview of this complex field. The discussion about the
present status and future plans requires to involve theorists and experimentalists
working on various messengers. Thus, the progress in astroparticle physics achieved
through space and ground-based detectors is expected to play a major role in the
scientific program of CRIS 2020.
The program will include invited lectures, contributed talks and posters, as well. A
preliminary list of speakers is available on the web page.
As in the past, the CRIS 2020 Conference is addressed to scientists in the field as
well as to PhD and graduate students. We will encourage lively and informal
discussions among participants.
We plan to host all participants in the conference hotel even if cheaper hotels are
available nearby the conference site. Additional information are available on the
conference web page, as well as details about the Conference, including registration,
travel, accommodation info and contribution procedures: http://cris2020.na.infn.it

Important dates and deadlines:

  • Conference dates: June 8 - 12, 2020
  • Abstract Submission: March 13, 2020
  • Notification of Acceptance: March 31, 2020
  • Hotel Lloyd’s Baia (reservation at special rate): April 10, 2020
  • Registration fee 350 € (reduced fee for PhD students 300 €)
  • Proceeding Submission: June 5, 2020

International Advisory Committee:
Roberto Battiston (University of Trento)
Antonella Castellina (INAF Torino)
Francesco Giordano (University of Bari and INFN)
Fausto Guarino (University of Napoli Federico II and INFN)
Francis Halzen (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Werner Hofmann (Max Planck Institute)
Antonio Insolia (University of Catania and INFN)
Johannes Knapp (DESY – Germany)
Teresa Montaruli (University of Geneve)
Miguel Mostafá (Penn State University)
Angela Olinto (University of Chicago)
Shigeru Yoshida (Chiba University)
Enrique Zas (University of Santiago de Compostela)
The CRIS 2020 Organizing Committee :
Carla Aramo
Mario Buscemi
Rossella Caruso
Roberta Colalillo
Salvatore Costa
Fausto Guarino
Cristina Tuvè
Laura Valore
Conference Secretary:
Salvatore Verdoliva
Dipartimento di Fisica “E. Pancini”
Via Cintia – Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant’Angelo
80126 Napoli (Italy)
Conference e-mail address: cris2020@na.infn.it
Conference Web site: http://cris2020.na.infn.it