Experimental pre- or post-doctoral position in gravitatioanal-wave science at the University of Padova
The Virgo group in Padova (Italy) is seeking applications for a 2-year experimental postdoctoral position. The successful applicant will lead an experimental project aimed at characterizing the behavior of thermal noise in mechanical oscillators in steady, non-equlibrium thermodynamic states. The work is extremely relevant, for example, to correctly predict the level of thermal noise in future cryogenic gravitational wave detectors, and has the potential to constitute the basis for the development of a currently missing theory of thermal noise out of thermodynamic equilibrium.
The Virgo group in Padova, composed of faculty and staff affiliated with both the University of Padova and the Padova section of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), is active on experimental research (e.g. quantum-vacuum squeezing injection, online laser mode matching sensing and control, stray light analysis, high performance optical phase-locked loops, characterization of low-loss optical coatings and materials for next generation detectors), data analysis (coherent wave burst analysis pipeline) and astrophysical modelling (black-hole population synthesis and neutron-star modeling).
The successful applicant will have the opportunity of contributing to other experimental efforts of the group, as well as being involved in on-site activities at the Virgo detector.
The text of the call and instructions for application can be found at the following two links:
Please note that holding a PhD is not required to apply for this position.
Deadline for application is June 10th 2020 at 16:00 (Italian local time)
Request for information and clarifications can be directed to Prof. Giacomo Ciani (giacomo.ciani@unipd.it).