Starting from the academic year 2017-2018,  the group of Theoretical Particle Physics (TPP) - - has planned to host for a given amount of time, ranging from a three-months term to the entire academic year (three terms), a number of selected Ph.D. students from other institutions, and give them the possibility to attend our course program.  The list of courses offered for the academic year 2018-2019 can be found at In addition to these courses, more specialised ones, typically addressed to advanced students and post-docs, are also offered.

After this period, students are expected to go back to their home institutions and continue their Ph.D. research project with their own supervisors. Partial financial support of approximately 500 euros/month towards living expenses is provided.  Details on how to apply can be found at

We would be grateful if you could circulate this message to your colleagues and potentially interested students in your institution. For more information, including application and selection procedures, please contact Marco Serone, at