The Virgo Group at the University of Valencia (Spain)
is seeking applications for senior post-doctoral positions funded by the Talented
Researcher Support Programme-GenT Plan of the Generalitat Valenciana. Applications
will be evaluated by the government of the Comunidad Valenciana, with results
expected around summer 2019. Our group will support applications in the areas of
gravitational wave physics and astrophysics, including numerical relativity, data
analysis, modelling of gravitational-wave sources, parameter estimation, detector
characterization, and related topics.

The positions offered by the GenT program are the following:

a) Grants for recruiting excellent post-doctoral researchers to undertake a R+D+i
project in the Region (Comunidad Valenciana).

Duration: 4+2 years.
Annual support: from a minimum of 52990.15 EUR (gross) to a maximum of 70000 EUR.

b) Grants for recruiting post-doctoral candidates with international experience.

Duration: 4+2 years.
Annual support: from a minimum of 41635 EUR (gross) to a maximum of 55000 EUR.

Further information is provided in this link:

Deadline to submit applications: February 15, 2019.

The Valencia Virgo Group is a member of the Virgo Collaboration and currently
consists of faculty members José Antonio Font, José María Ibáñez, Antonio Marquina,
Miguel Angel Aloy, Isabel Cordero-Carrión, and Pablo Cerdá-Durán, 3 postdocs and
2 PhD students. The group has a long experience in the numerical simulation of
astrophysical sources of gravitational waves and the generation of waveform
templates employing techniques of Numerical Relativity (both for isolated neutron
stars and binary neutron star mergers, gravitational collapse and core-collapse
supernovae, accretion on to black holes, fundamental bosonic fields, etc). Since
joining the Virgo Collaboration the group has started new lines of research in
data analysis (total-variation algorithms for gravitational wave denoising),
detector characterization (development of numerical methods for identification
and classification of glitches), and parameter estimation (for neutron stars
and core-collapse supernovae).

Interested applicants are invited to contact the group coordinator as soon as
possible (at